Wedding Planning 101: Understanding The Basics of Seasons

Did you know, around 80% of the weddings in Canada are held in between May and October? This indicates a peak season for wedding planning in Canada, and it can be important for you as a wedding planner!

How, you may ask?

Understanding the basics of wedding planning and its seasons will help you to navigate through the peak dates, vendors and themes for the business. Moreover, you will be sure to get multiple wedding planning contracts for during the growth period – it’s critical for you to know why you’re growing at such a rate!

Not very clear? Don’t worry, let’s dive right deep into why you should actually care about seasons for wedding!


Wedding planning seasons and how wedding planning classes can help you in your wedding planning career

Why You Should Understand The Wedding Seasons

Wedding seasons are one of the basics that are taught in wedding planning classes, and it is imperative too! Wedding seasons can determine the costs, preparation, weather and wedding theme; you ought to give proper attention to the wedding season!

Also, you will be quite busy during peak wedding seasons because most of the wedding takes during this time. You will face hard times finding locations, vendors and wedding decors – these are just too high in demand! Occasionally, you will not find quality wedding photographers, catering services and other crucial components in a wedding!

This is why it’s very important for wedding planners to know your events during peak wedding seasons early enough to actually book them before anyone else does. During off-peak seasons, you don’t need to stress on the event date a lot and you can be quite sure to get everything you need (only if it’s not a popular holiday)!

How can wedding seasons influence your wedding plans? It can determine the costs, preparation, weather and wedding theme of the event as a whole.


During peak seasons, the demand for wedding planners, vendors, catering services, photographers, wedding decors and basically anything related to the wedding are high. This means that the costs can be high, too!

During off-peak seasons, you can be sure that you’ll find vendors available to take on the deal. Moreover, you might get discounts from venues, vendors and photographers during the off-peak seasons.


The peak seasons for weddings can be of great importance – wedding planners are too busy organizing multiple events across the neighborhood! There’s also the unavailability of vendors, photographers and most wedding-related resources, so wedding planners must take their preparation months prior to the main event.

Experienced wedding planners often take events that are confirmed 2 months prior, and signs contract with the related vendors right away. This ensures the availability of the vendors during the wedding events.

During off-peak seasons, however, you might not need the extensive preparations!


The weather is the main reason why people choose to marry during the peak seasons in the first place. Spring is the most popular wedding season, as the weather is calm and serene. Winter and Summer are the off-peak seasons for weddings; this is mainly due to the extreme climate!

As a wedding planner, you must be sure that you’re prepared for any climatic change especially if it is an outdoor wedding. If you’re organizing a wedding in spring, you must prepare for situations where it might rain, or the sun may be too hot. If you’re organizing a wedding in summer, you might want to prepare for extreme heats and rainfall as well.

Each season has its distinctive characteristics; make sure you’re prepared for anything that changes!

How Wedding planning seasons can influence a wedding theme idea


Top class wedding planners leverage the power of seasons to their advantages. You’ll notice that most wedding planners choose a suitable theme, color combination, flower variety during each season to make the weddings more vivid.

During winter, wedding planners can choose a wide array of Christmas decorations and white theme for the wedding. The vibrant Christmas feeling can be portrayed through the dress, flowers and wedding decor.

During fall, wedding planners can arrange the wedding on the top of a nearby mountain and let the stunning environment and colorful foliage do all the decorations.

During summer, wedding planners can choose to hold the wedding indoors with air conditioning or they can arrange the wedding in an area with surrounding lakes.

The theme for spring can be quite simple as well. The wedding planners use the blooming flora to decorate your wedding and celebrate the growth of the newly wed’s love and new love together.

Peak Seasons For Weddings

Now, let’s explore into what months you should be focusing on and preparing beforehand. During these months, the demand for weddings is at its peak and you’ll find hard times finding suitable vendors, catering and wedding decor.

In general, the peak season for wedding begin in late spring and continue through early fall. During this season, the weather is quite suitable and calm making it the best choice for people. According to Almanac, June is the most popular month for marriages, followed closely by August, July, May and September.

In the South, Southwest and Midwest regions of the globe, summer (July and August) is considered to be an unfavorable season to marry because of the extreme heat. This increases the likelihood of heat strokes; families do not want to risk it!

On the other hand, Westerners consider summer months to be highly suitable for marriages. Partly, this is because of the lack of humidity and higher altitudes which make outdoor weddings highly comfortable.

For people living on the East Coast, late spring and early fall are an excellent time for weddings. In these areas, the summers are considerable hot and humid along with a beautiful ocean breeze whereas the winters are too cold and snowy; these make such climates unsuitable for a wedding. During late spring and early fall, the weather is warm and mild, with an occasional breeze. This makes it a suitable time for weddings.

Best popular days for wedding planning for wedding planners

Popular Days

Although there are peak seasons for wedding planning, there are popular days in a week for weddings as well! In a survey by The Knot, it was shown that Saturday is the most popular wedding day, followed by Sunday. It was mainly because Saturday marks the weekend holiday so wedding planners can be sure that the guests will be present during the event.

What If You Want To Save Money?

Let’s be serious – weddings during peak seasons can be quite expensive. The demand for wedding events are too high, and everyone ramps up the price to make better profits overall. This is why arranging wedding events during peak seasons can be quite expensive.

This is why it is suggested that couples who are on a tight budget choose a time during off-peak seasons for their weddings. According to CNBC, it’s suggested that couples gauge the off-peak season accurately and calculate all their cost savings beforehand.

Arranging a wedding in the off-peak season can cut the cost of a wedding by as much as 30%; this is truly a great cost saver for couples!


Wedding planning can be quite tough; there are a plethora of things that you, as a wedding planner, have to focus upon. Understanding the wedding seasons is one of these, and it is very important for wedding planners to know.

Wedding peak seasons can mean that you’ll be booked all the way through, and you must sign contracts with your vendors and caterers months before the original event to ensure their availability.

Mostly, the late spring and early fall is considered to be the ideal time for weddings to take place. In the warmer countries, spring and winter are considered the peak season for weddings. For countries in the west, spring and fall can be an excellent time for weddings. In colder countries like Iceland, the peak season starts in summer and lasts until spring.

Arranging a wedding during the peak season can mean a lot of things: you’re essentially choosing the most comfortable time for your guests where the weather supports the marriage. However, if you’re to cut down expenses, it is recommended that you choose to organize the wedding during off-peak seasons. During this time, the demand for wedding planners, caterers and wedding decors are low, and you’ll get discounts from them.

No matter what season you choose to organize your wedding in, it’s very important that you know precisely what skills you need to organize such wedding events. Also, it is important that you are aware of the common mistakes that you should avoid as a wedding planner.

Looking for more wedding planning related content, visit our blogs to get more insightful content on the realm of wedding planning. You can also learn how to become a wedding planner from our Wedding Planning Academy where we go through the basics and advanced wedding planning courses in detail!

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